Movie Views
January, 2025
MARIA: 2024 (Streaming on Netflix) Maria is the heartbreaking true story of world-renowned opera singer Maria Callas. Callas died in 1977 at the young age of 53. Maria reimagines the legendary soprano in her final days as her iconic voice faded and she dealt with drug-induced hallucinations. Angelina Jolie stars in the title role. To prepare for her role, Jolie spent seven months training to sing opera. For the scenes set during Callas' heyday, an estimated 90 to 95 percent of Callas' original recordings were used, with Jolie lip-synching along to these songs. However, Jolie's singing comes to the fore during the film's final act. Barb and I thought Jolie was terrific in the role. She has already earned a Golden Globe nomination for her stunning performance. Barbara grades the film slightly higher than I did, probably because of her greater familiarity with the music. GRADES B+/A